Bringing public spaces and venues to life

Pop-up experiences 


> Bars

> Venues

> Festivals

make your venue or festival the latest viral hit

Add that extra something to re-engage past visitors and draw new patrons with an experience that shows off your venue, product or service. By cleverly using technology that doesn’t detract from your physical space, these experiences are staffing light, memorable and built for you.  Attract new or lost visitors with a commercially attractive new offering that will help your venue stand out from the crowd.

Two easy options

Customisable, pre-developed experiences

Standard content with opportunities to customise

Quick to design and develop

Short or long term installation 

Flexible licencing model


Bespoke experience development

Completely unique to your venue

Designed to your requirements

Short or long term installation

Flexible licening model

What you can expect

We’re not interested in gimmicks that are short lived or will grow tired. This is an offering that will leave a lasting impression and re-engage your visitors

Designed for your audience

You name it, we’ve got the right fit


Tailored to your service or offering

An experience that showcases or adds to what you already offer

Staffing light

Our technology does the heavy lifting, meaning your staff don’t have to faciliatate every group

New Revenue

A new opportunity to drive revenue as a pay-per-play game or ticketed event. Our licensing structure means you retain most of the profits


Because it is tech based there is unlimited potential for scale, lots of people can play at once!


Be the instagramable space and place! Create memories with your visitors. Surprise and delight make this stick with them long after they leave and drives word of mouth

Pre-developed experiences

We’ve got a range of packaged experience options to suit your venue.  With flexible deployment options we are able to adjust the content to suit your space, making sure it reflects your brand and practical delivery needs.

Interactive tastings

Out of the Bottle takes punters on a tasting adventure where they are matching their taste buds to the pros in order to win points and get on the leader board. With integrated product feedback and re-marketing, this is a sensational and light touch addition to keep punters around a little longer and showcase some product they might not otherwise choose. 

Perfect for: Bars and Festivals

Wizards themed experience

Capitalise on the cult following of our favourite witches and wizards to bring new visitors to your venue. With interactive questions, tech, puzzles and challenges, this experience is already a proven hit. With 7 chapters to play, you have the opportunity to roll this out without it getting tired. 

Perfect for: Bars and Festivals

Trivia meets escape rooms

This is not the average trivia experience with integrated puzzles, dynamic media rich rounds, a live running leader board and the penultimate challenge to crown a winner.  Every pub has trivia, this is your chance to make real fans out of the everyday punter or offer something brilliant to your corporate booking as an upsell!

Perfect for: Bars and Entertainment Venues

Festival wide games

Visually awesome with adventure at the heart, these festival wide games can be played at anytime and are autonomous to run. With a narrative to follow for the full experience or a 10minute buzz, these will draw in a broad range of players. 

 Perfect for: Festivals, Arts Precincts and Public Spaces

CASE STUDY: Wizards Tournament

In 2019, Making Immersive delivered Wizards Tournament in Brisbane and Melbourne for an event space and retail store. Over 3 months this pop up drew new visitors to their space and generated additional revenue through customer spend in store on top of ticket prices

Sessions run

New or return visitors

NPS Score

Ticket Sales

Unique Innovation and Creativity

They approach their work with unique innovation and creativity, while presenting themselves with professionalism and keen insight

Kris Stewart, Creative Director

New Perspective

They bring a creative new perspective to engaging our participants through using interactive design and the fusion of disciplines

Cynthia Cliff, Director of Knowledge Transfer & Partnership Development

Trusted to Deliver

The work they are doing, and have (we believe) pioneered, is truely ground-breaking – and above all is terrifically fun! They can be truly trusted to deliver.

George Meijer
School of Creative Practice

Quality Experiences

They have a very considered, sensitive and dedicated concern for quality experiences through their approach to design, consumer response and partner liaison. This is a very individual, personalised and character response that the team have presented and adopted from the outset.  The projects we have been part of have been of the highest quality, and under realistic constructions and commercial parameters, with realistic pressures and expectations

George Meijer, School of Creative Practice

Our DESIGN capabilities

We have refined our design skills, technology and ethos over the last decade to be able to offer something truly unique that also respects the social, technology and commercial requirements of any venue.

Our speciality is: 

Creating immersive experiences with technology that connects people and unlocks knowledge

Developing interactive experiences that pair social adventures with learning opportunities for memories that last

Offering fit-for-purpose experiences that are commercially attractive as well as being insta-worthy

  • Mastery of Technology
  • Mastery of interaction design
  • Mastery of Commercial viability

Our Technology

Our experiences are powered by a powerful app-based interface that allows for facilitation-free autonomous play. From start to finish you are in charge with automatic re-marketing integration, data capture and links to media rich extras like rolling live-leaderboards.  Our technology is:

  • Rapidly configurable
  • Full of rich media integrations
  • Easy to use
  • Unlike anything else on the market

Our Technology

Our experiences are powered by a powerful app-based interface that allows for facilitation-free autonomous play. From start to finish you are in charge with automatic re-marketing integration, data capture and links to media rich extras like rolling live-leaderboards.  Our technology is:

  • Rapidly configurable
  • Full of rich media integrations
  • Easy to use
  • Unlike anything else on the market

Why we are different

Your venue needs to be front and centre

We create experiences that harness human connection, innovation and create personal connection between human and space, making it more exciting and memorable expereince for your patrons. 


We create an accessible adventure where learning is fun and fast-paced

We understand everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to game play. We work with you to create an experience that helps everyone enjoy the learning or entertainment experience by respecting their unique physical, mental and emotional needs - from the wildest extroverts to the quiet achievers, people with a disability and everyone in between.


Let's Start Something new
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Get in touch to start the conversation about bringing new and exciting to your business