Industry leading experience design

The design lab



The Making Immersive Design Lab is a multi-disciplinary team that uses a unique fusion of theatre, story, gaming, technology and world creation to develop truly extraordinary experiences. We believe that there is virtually no people-centric business, learning or entertainment challenge that can’t be solved by smart interaction design.


The Making Immersive Design Lab is founded on a simple but powerful idea:

Creatively bringing different design disciplines together with customer interaction at the center creates extraordinary experiences.

Anchored through a strong design process, we thrive when story, gaming, world creation, theatre and technology collide. We believe this is where magic happens. So we have made it our business.


Even our creative process is a discipline, one that we have refined. Working from clearly articulated creative briefs, our design process moves through ideation, prototyping, testing, refinement and production stages always with the customer experience at the forefront of design.

Managed by an experienced team we bring ideas to life through a multidisciplinary creative process that is required to stand up to the tests of production and execution – because we do that too!


Even our creative process is a discipline, one that we have refined. Working from clearly articulated creative briefs, our design process moves through ideation, prototyping, testing, refinement and production stages always with the customer experience at the forefront of design.

Managed by an experienced team we bring ideas to life through a multidisciplinary creative process that is required to stand up to the tests of production and execution – because we do that too!


People, not products or services, at the centre

We believe the starting point should always be people. Compelling products, services and experiences start and end with how people perceive them.

Crafting experiences, not delivering events

We believe the most successful events realise they are not in the business of delivering an event but a compelling experience! Everything starts from this mindset.

Engagement, engagement, engagement

We believe in the power of engaging people through all their senses with a focus on what they enjoy. Clever use of surprise, competition and empowerment can make all the difference.

Moments of discovery, not learning information

In an age of over-stimulation we believe real learning occurs around moments of discovery, not downloading information.

Types of experiences we create

Leisure experiences

That re-imagine traditional entertainment

Site tours and activations

That bring unique locations to life

Unique venue attractions

That create different points of engagement

Learning simulations

That transform the learning process

Brand activations

That change how people experience products and services

Bespoke event experiences

That elevate events to the level of extraordinary

There is virtually no people-centric business, learning or entertainment challenge that can’t be solved by smart interaction design



Australia’s most ambitious zombie adventure game. Staged in Brisbane Powerhouse in October 2017, Containment saw over 3200 survivors saving the world from the imminent zombie apocalypse following a deadly leak in a private research facility. Highly immersive, intricate and epic in scale, Containment was one of our biggest immersive design challenges to date.


Working with a unique brief to activate a three-day international pharmaceutical conference, the Design Lab team developed an interactive simulation with a difference.
Staged over three days, teams were challenged to compete for investment in a dynamic marketplace, increasing learning outcomes amongst 100 conference delegates in the process.


In an Australian first, the South Australian Museum, in partnership with Adventure Mode, launched a new digital experience enticing visitors to think outside the box and show their spirit for adventure. Using Making Immersive technology, The Shadow Initiation tasks visitors with puzzles, tests and challenges about the Museum’s galleries and collections; unlocking secrets and introducing a new way to experience the Museum.


In a world first, a bridge climb is turned into an immersive game. Inspired by the Mission Impossible movies, teams of 2-4 are equiped with specialist kit and guided onto the Story Bridge where they use Making Immersive technology to guide their way, solve linked challenges to the narrative and eventually disarm a planted EMP device on the very top of the bridge.  A high octane experience that puts adventurers in the heart of a mission. 

Unique Innovation and Creativity

They approach their work with unique innovation and creativity, while presenting themselves with professionalism and keen insight

Kris Stewart, Creative Director

New Perspective

They bring a creative new perspective to engaging our participants through using interactive design and the fusion of disciplines

Cynthia Cliff, Director of Knowledge Transfer & Partnership Development

Trusted to Deliver

The work they are doing, and have (we believe) pioneered, is truely ground-breaking – and above all is terrifically fun! They can be truly trusted to deliver.

George Meijer
School of Creative Practice

Quality Experiences

They have a very considered, sensitive and dedicated concern for quality experiences through their approach to design, consumer response and partner liaison. This is a very individual, personalised and character response that the team have presented and adopted from the outset.  The projects we have been part of have been of the highest quality, and under realistic constructions and commercial parameters, with realistic pressures and expectations

George Meijer, School of Creative Practice

Explore some of our reflections and thoughts

Lonely screens: Why interactivity is key for driving visitor numbers in public space

Advances in technology have made for exciting ways to showcase content hidden in public spaces – but as with the all-pervasive screen technology, often times it’s slowly pushing us further apart. I won’t waste your time referencing the many (many) studies reporting on...

5 things that make public space activations work (and 5 that don’t!)

The gamification of public spaces was a welcome addition to the public experience, increasing patronage and creating new ways to engage. But the downside to the popularity of this model has been the mixed bag of approaches being delivered. In simple terms, the market...

Games in the Workplace is Serious Business

Scientist have discovered that it takes approximately 400 repitions to create a new synapse in the brain, unless it is done in play, in which case it only takes 10 to 20 repitions Karyn PurvisUsing games to better your business results is fast becoming an accepted...

Using Tech to Innovate for a Reason

Our philosophy on how we use technology As an interactive and immersive design company, we use several different disciplines to create our experiences; theatre, gaming, world creation, technology and narrative. The technology part of this is something we use for...

The Rise of Immersive and Interactive Experiences

In 2019 we saw the launch of Disney’s epic Star Wars land and it was mind blowing. No matter if you are a lover, hater or apathetic about the Star Wars franchise, I believe the message here is that we need to pay attention to the rise of interactive and immersive...

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