Our Work

Great escape from boggo road goal

fully immersive, fully interactive large-scale escape game


The iconic Boggo Road Goal was turned into a large-scale escape game in a genre bending experience that became Australia’s largest escape game.  

Design elements

  • Full immersive set
  • Integrated narrative drawing from historical stories
  • Characteried staff and theatrical introduction
  • Puzzles
  • Health and safety

Show run 28th September - 10th October 2015


15 production and theatre staff


21 sessions


Puzzle and narrative design based on historical stories


1500 unique players


$70k revenue generated

With 80 players at a time, ‘inmates’ were charged with bribing themselves out of their cells, solving puzzles to unlock clues for the mass escape, all while interacting with in character actors.

Drawing on true stories from the site, the players were fully immersed into the game through costume, music, theatre and an unfolding story. 

Run over a limited season, the experience drew a diverse crowd and 80% of available tickets as the concept went viral. 

Without a blueprint for what something like this looked like, it was our first foray into the world of large-scale immersive and interactive design.

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